Pints: A pint is a unit of volume used in the United States to measure liquids. One US pint is equivalent to 16 fluid ounces or approximately 473 milliliters.
Acre feet: An acre-foot is a unit of volume commonly used in the United States in reference to large-scale water resources, such as reservoirs, aqueducts, canals, and river flows. It is defined by the volume of one acre of surface area to a depth of one foot.
Pints | Acre feet |
99760 | 0.09 |
99761 | 0.09 |
99762 | 0.09 |
99763 | 0.09 |
99764 | 0.09 |
99766 | 0.09 |
99767 | 0.09 |
99768 | 0.09 |
99769 | 0.09 |
99770 | 0.09 |